ALiGN matches your current workforce with growth opportunities in your organization or industry. By making use of insights into how different personalities can work together, your organization can use ALiGN’s personality test, supported by Lumina Spark, to build and strengthen collaboration.
ALiGN is a job matching and career support tool developed by Magnet and OTEC. Using a questionnaire supported by Lumina Learning’s Spark technology, users are asked to identify how they identify with a series of statements. ALiGN will then share a report with insights into how their personality matches different career paths.
Magnet is also using ALiGN in partnership with employers across Canada to hire diverse candidates based on personality fit.
Using Magnet, employers can choose to create a fit-based job posting. Alerts will be shared with job seekers on the Magnet platform who have completed the ALiGN assessment and whose personality and work style match that role.
Job seekers are matched to roles based on how closely the results of their assessment match benchmarks created for each role.
Different roles require a balance between these and other traits. Benchmarked roles capture the personality aspects that are most demanded by employers and demonstrated across current workers in that role.
Once a role is benchmarked, capturing the ideal characteristics, employers can share fit-based postings that will notify job seekers whose profile matches that benchmark. Those job seekers will be invited to apply for the role.
Employers, job seekers, and community organizations can all get involved in leveraging ALiGN for better employment outcomes.
Job seekers can create their free Magnet account and complete their ALiGN personality assessment.
Employers interested in using ALiGN to create fit-based job postings can get started with a free Magnet account. Employers can also contact Magnet to create new benchmarks for in-demand roles.
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